These are the popular productivity tips that actually suck I guarantee that you have heard of all these productivity tips. I’m pretty obsessed with being productive and learning about a new…
7 Time-Saving Tips for Better Productivity Things your future self will thank you for. I have been obsessed with finding new ways that can make me more productive…
Productive Week in My Life – Law Student and Paralegal For the first quarter of 2024! It is the first quarter of 2024, which means that it’s the first Week in My…
10 Bulletproof Ways You Can Avoid Burnout (with Saveur de la Vie) Because burnout is not a badge of honor. I used to be so proud of myself for saying that I was “busy”…
Busy Week in My Life! – Daily Habits August 2023 It is that particular time of quarter when I once again share my updated Week in My Life with you! As of…
7 Unproductive Habits That Will Ruin Your Productivity Unproductive habits to stop doing so you don’t hit rock bottom. Whenever I felt that I wasn’t productive, I tended to beat…
Productive Week in My Life with my Daily Habits (personal growth!) A little behind the scenes… It’s currently May 2023, and I just finished the semester! Now I am on winter break which…
7 Productivity Mistakes That Lead to Burnout Because burnout is a real thing! Have you ever found yourself trying to juggle so many things at once? There was one…