I honestly cannot believe it.
A milestone has been reached. I’ve officially wrote 100 blog posts. This is Blog Post #100.
Let me just say, I honestly cannot believe it. Just writing my first blog post was an accomplishment in itself, and now I’ve officially wrote 100… this is insane!
From the FIRST Blog Post
Here’s a fun fact – while I did launch my blog in November 2020, I posted many blog posts beforehand. The reason for this was because I didn’t want to introduce my blog emptyhanded. I wanted people to have a whole bunch of blog posts to read besides just my about page and my home page (which would include literally nothing…).
Another fun fact was that they were all mainly travel blogs. However, I just posted travel blogs as a travel diary on my website. Considering that we didn’t know when COVID-19 would end, there was no way I was going to be consistent with blog posts.
So I turned into my next big passion – personal development & productivity. And my blog became a self-improvement blog which I love!
Here are the current number of blog posts for each category!
(as of October 2021)
- 25 posts on productivity
- 63 posts on personal development
- 8 posts on self-care (this was just a recent topic I started talking about)
- 15 posts on habits
- 10 posts on routines
- The rest are the travel blogs!!
Looking back at my past blog posts
Reading my past blog posts, I can see a difference in the way that I’ve written my content. Comparing my first personal development blog posts, to now, I’ve noticed how they’ve become a lot more detailed.
I even remember how long it took me to write just one short blog post. It would take me 7 days to write just a short blog post. Then I moved onto two blog posts a week, which was incredible. Now I’m back to one blog post a week, so I can focus more on my other projects (such as my book!!).
But with that being said, this whole journey has been a growth process. A lot of lessons. There has been many things that I’ve learned and discovered about my writing style, and the way that I express my thoughts through my blog posts.
What to Expect in this blog post!
And this growth process in blogging has also spread to my self-improvement & personal development journey. In this special 100th blog post, I’m going to first outline 10 Lessons on Self-Improvement (after writing 100 blog posts), then the next part will be my Top 10 Popular Blog Posts (based on how many times it’s been viewed, and engaged with on social media!).
TOP 10 Self-Improvement
1. Consistency is everything
If there was one strength that I’m proud of, is that consistency has become so easy for me.
And I’ve learned throughout my blogging journey that consistency is so important.
First, it’s so important to constantly show up for yourself each and every day. You may have someone to be accountable to, but at the end of the day, you are the one that has control over whether you show up or not.
When you are constantly consistent to yourself, you have better self-esteem and confidence that way. Because self-esteem and confidence is built by always following through on the things you say that you’re going to do!
Then, consistency is also so important in every single goal. No matter what goal you have, whether it’s a health goal, a business goal, or a big life goal, you need consistency. We can’t expect that if we work on something once in a while, we’re going to achieve our goal. We need to show up every single day to take steps towards our goal.
This is something that I learned as a blogger. I learned that my staying consistent with publishing my blog posts and my other forms of content, it’s going to help me become a better blogger, and even have more content to provide to my readers. I can’t expect to accomplish my goals, if I am not consistent with my blogging.
2. It’s okay to have unproductive days every now and then
As a blogger & content creator, I learned that creative burnout is a thing!
Creative burnout happens when we don’t take breaks in between content creating. Because what ends up happening is that our brain “overloads” and we feel stuck. Hence, I learned how it’s important to have unproductive days once in a while.
I have a personal system that I’ve been using all year. Every 3 months, I take 2 weeks off from any sort of content creating. Meaning that, I just don’t create content during that time. I take a break and allow my mind to refresh and recharge.
I was initially afraid that I was going to lose momentum by doing that, but in reality, it’s actually the best thing to do for your creativity!
Whether you’re a content creator or not, we need to have breaks where we are absolutely work-free. Just think about a car. A car needs to get serviced every once in a while… “taking a break”. Because if a car goes long without being serviced, it’s going to eventually not work as effectively as it usually would.
That’s why, as human beings, we also need that break as well. We’re not being lazy or anything, this is for our brain! Our brain does need to reset and recharge every now and then, so that we’re able to work and perform our best.
3. It’s more about managing your energy than managing your time
What I mean by this is that we don’t need more time to work effectively, we need our energy.
That’s why it’s so important to pick a time in the day to do deep and creative work. For our work quality to be effective, it’s so crucial for us to pick a time where we are most focused.
This was so important with blogging, because I found that for myself, I was the most creative in the early mornings where no one was distracting me, and my writing flow was at the best place. It was also helpful when managing my studies and work shifts. I knew when I was most focused to do those respective things, and picked the right time to do them.
4. Taking care of your health (sleep, exercise) counts as being productive
My idea of productivity used to be only working on work related tasks.
But I’ve soon learned that there are so many other things that count as being productive… it’s not just work.
Taking care of your health (physical & mental health) counts as being productive. Because if that’s not at its best, it’s going to affect our productivity anyway.
Spending quality time with family and friends, or making time for self-care counts as being productive.
By thinking of productivity like this, you’ll begin to feel a lot better when you add those things to your schedule. You don’t feel guilty that there’s not a lot of “work time” included because work is not the only thing that makes you productive.
This helped me for blogging, because I knew that if my health wasn’t at it’s best, it was going to be hard to write blogs and create content anyway.
5. Pursue passions for me, and not for other people (otherwise it’s a waste of time)
I’ve definitely found a few new passions along the way in this blogging journey. I found a passion for all different types of content creating, and the process of writing a book.
The best part was that even if no one was reading my blogs, watching my videos, or going to read my book, I would still do it because it’s something that I enjoy doing.
Because the truth is, I’m not creating content because I want other people to see it and praise me for it. I’m creating content because I am truly passionate about it, and I enjoy doing it no matter what.
And this is a lesson that spreads throughout self-improvement in general. We want to always think about what we’re actually passionate about. We really want to think about whether what we’re pursuing is really our own passion or someone else’s.
6 . Comparing myself to other people will not do me any good
I’ll admit, sometimes I still struggle with comparison. When I catch myself comparing, I remind myself of this.
Comparing myself to other people is actually practically useless.
When you think about it, everyone is on different journeys, timelines, and has different strengths and weaknesses. I used to be so guilty of comparing myself as a beginner to someone who already has 5+ years experience in the blogging industry.
That’s why no matter who we are comparing ourselves to, it’s not going to do us any favors. It’s better to focus on our own individual journeys and strive for progress from there. While we can look up to others for inspiration, we have to remember that everyone’s experience is different at the end of the day.
7. The way to get over fear is to actually take action
Sometimes, the fear of getting over doing something is to actually just do it. Let me give you a few examples from my own blogging journey.
What got me over the fear of launching my blog? By actually launching my blog.
What got me over the fear of starting a YouTube channel? By actually starting my YouTube channel.
What got me over the fear of releasing a book? By actually releasing the book.
Do I have any regrets for doing that? Absolutely not.
It’s normal to have self-doubt, but what matters more is whether we actually follow through with the self-doubt. This relates to absolutely anything that is initially out of our comfort zone.
8. Mistakes are not a bad thing when you learn from them
I always used to be so scared of failure… and that was one of the reasons why I hesitated to start my blog.
When I did start my blog, I started off with many mistakes. I remember how I had a silly reaction when I discovered my first typo in one of my blog post’s title.
I was so embarrassed! I beat myself up for days on that.
But then I just learnt from it. I learned to double check my grammar especially in my blog posts, then it never happened again.
The lesson here is that we are going to make mistakes every now and then, and that’s okay! What matters more is whether we learn from those mistakes, and prevent them from happening again.
This is so important remember when it comes to life in general! We’re going to have failures, but those failures can be turned into lessons… lifelong lessons!
9. Motivation is not reliable
Here’s the truth… I stopped relying on motivation.
Motivation comes and goes. It’s not good if we want to stay consistent.
If we want to be consistent, we can’t just “come and go” with it, we have to keep going daily or at least regularly.
If I were to rely on motivation to write my blog posts, I would not be writing my 100th blog post right now, and I’ll probably expect to reach 100 blog posts in another two years.
Motivation is great, but it’s not what we’re relying on. We’re relying on our habits, routines, and our discipline. During times when we don’t feel like doing something, motivation is not going to help us. We’re going to fall back to whatever our habits, routines, and our discipline levels are.
This was such a big lesson for me!
10. Celebrate small wins
This was something I needed to work on the most.
When I first started out, I focused a lot on the numbers. This was a killer to my mindset!
I really only looked at the big milestones as accomplishments.
But what I have come to learn is that every win counts. Even the small ones.
While we can’t always rely on motivation, we’ll always have the small wins to look back on, and see how far we had progressed! By looking at those small wins, we actually see the things that we’ve accomplished and think how ridiculous it would be to just stop what we’re doing now.
Now, I started looking at every single win. Every blog post I published was a win. Every Instagram post I shared was a win. Every time I wrote a blog post even when I didn’t feel like it was a win. When I took a creative break it was a win. Those are the wins that help me remember that even though the “big milestones” are not yet accomplished, I’ve still had come so far.
Top 10 Blog Posts
Now I thought that I’d take my 100 blog posts, and narrow it down to my top 10! It sounded hard at first, but when I decided to narrow it down through how many times it has been viewed and had a lot of engagement & feedback from social media, it was a lot easier.
Then, some of the posts on the lists also includes the blog posts that I am most proud of, and that I felt was very helpful to people. We’ll go from number 10, all the way to the top.
10 – I Learned More When I Failed My University Subject
To be honest, I was really surprised that this was one of the Top 10 most viewed blog posts 😂
This was the blog post where I had few feedback on it from social media, but it has been viewed quite a few times.
BTS Writing the Blog Post
When I wrote the blog post, I wrote it during the time I had ultimate writer’s block. I didn’t know what to write, so I decided to go with writing my own personal story about failure. I was so nervous to write it.
I was nervous to write it because the people who knew me saw me as a high achiever who always got good grades in high school. I felt really embarrassing to share that I failed a couple of times when I got into university.
But as it turns out, people get inspired by those things! People actually like a blog post more when there’s a story to it, where you’re willing to be vulnerable…. and that’s one of the lessons I took away from launching this blog post.
Read this blog post if…
If you had faced a failure (any failure, big or small), I definitely encourage you to read this. While this blog post is all about my story of my personal failure, I did include the reasons why I ended up failing.
I talked about how I made the mistake of not communicating with my teachers and having a negative attitude. I also talked about my lack of commitment and focus. I talked about why I failed and how I’m going to prevent it from happening.
There are valuable lessons in this blog post that can help you overcome any of your failures. Maybe you need a story to go with it, or maybe not. Regardless, I do think that you’ll benefit from reading it.
I wrote this blog post for those who had faced failures and I wanted to let them know that they are not alone.
When I launched it…
As I said, I received more feedback that I had expected. But since then, this blog post hasn’t been talked about as much. So maybe let’s talk about it more again!!
9 – Time Management Tips – Why You Need to Make the Most of Your Time
First things first, that is a REALLY LONG title, I don’t know what I was thinking.
But all jokes aside, I got pretty good feedback from this blog post, and this is one of my blog posts that is read every now and then.
And I think the reason for this is that time management is an evergreen topic because everyone is always looking to improve their time management.
BTS Writing the Blog Post
I wanted to write this blog post for a while but the reason why I hesitated was because I was afraid of what other people would think (I know, sounds silly).
What I mean is that I never had a good history of managing time. I didn’t have good time management myself, and people I know knew that! I was afraid that posting a time management blog post would make me look like a hypocrite since I didn’t even manage my time properly before.
Even until this day, my time management is still not perfect, that’s why I was second guessing if I should post it.
But then I remembered that I could never be 100% perfect with my time management. Things will happen beyond my control that may make me slip up on my time management, and that’s okay. When I relieved myself of needing to be “perfect” to post that post, I just posted it.
The tips I had on there were actual tips that had helped me improve my time management and they weren’t the typical time management tips. They weren’t just a random life hack, it was an actual practical tip that helped me save so much time.
Read this blog post if…
Definitely read this blog post if you want time management tips… like actual time management tips! These time management tips are meant to help you reflect first on what is really important to you and not important to you. This is so you are planning your time doing the things that are important to you.
There are also tips on there to help you plan your time through calendar blocking and scheduling. It will explain why it’s going to help you and how to do it.
Then, there are your other time management tips that can help you save your time during the day. Whether that is breaking down your work load, or when to do those random chores, there are helpful tips that I’ve used myself that helped me with all of that.
I wrote this blog post wanting to share these tips because they are tips that are not regularly mentioned. I really felt that people may benefit from actually reflecting on what’s most important to them, before even planning their time. Most people don’t consider that beforehand.
When I launched it…
When I launched it, it got a lot of views than I had expected, and feedback! This blog post is one of those blog posts where every once in a while, it gets a lot of views. For instance, when it first launched the views rocketed, and then it faded. Then sometime later, the views go up again, and then stay the same.
So if you want to know how to manage your time (not with random life hacks) then this blog post is for you!
Read here for the blog post on time management tips!
8 – Organise Your Life Like How You Organise Your Holiday – What’s More Important
Again Lauren, WHY did you have such long & complicated blog post titles?
I’ve been noticing how a lot of my earlier blog posts had long & complicated titles. It’s definitely something that I’ve improved on and working on. (I don’t plan on changing them though because I like reflecting back at these things and laugh at myself a bit).
But anyway, this was actually one of my top blog posts was quite a while! Not only need I get good feedback on it, it appeared as one of my top posts for quite a long time!
BTS writing the blog post …
First, I didn’t know if organisation was spelled with an s or a z. I had to look it up and clarified that because I’m in Australia, we use s to spell it… that’s one thing I remember while writing the blog post!
It was during this time that I wanted to write blog posts that included tips that I’ve used and had worked for me! Because I never want to include tips that I have never tried before. I always want to include tips that I’ve used, and as much as possible, had worked for me.
In this blog post, all these tips I’ve used and had helped improve my organisation. This blog post was actually quite long! I added my personal story using these tips but because it was so long, I had to cut some parts out.
Read this blog post if…
If you want to know how to organise your life better, than this blog post is for you! If it feels a bit disorganised at this moment and want to get it all together, then I definitely recommend that you read this blog post!
One of the main analogies that I used was planning a trip. It’s crazy how people actually spend SO MUCH more time organising their holiday, than they do organising their life. Since we couldn’t really travel much at that time, then it made sense to just organise something else that is much longer… our life!
If the idea of organising your life seems intimidating, you can just see it as preparing for a trip! When you read each of the tips, you’ll be able to see how each of them are so similar to preparing & planning for a trip!
When I launched it…
I actually launched this blog post 2 weeks later than when I initially planned to… this was because the perfectionism side got to me and I delayed it.
And even up until I actually launched it, I still was trying to make it perfect. Then I just posted it and the feedback was immediate. I was so glad that I didn’t delay posting it any longer.
I’ve had direct messages from those saying that the tips in the blog post were so helpful and it allowed them to properly prioritise what is most important to them. Then, even weeks after this blog post had launched, it was still being viewed. Everytime I looked at my statistics dashboard, this blog post was always on that list.
It’s not on that high on the list anymore because I’ve posted other blog posts since then, but it still remains in the Top 10. I’d say that even though it’s not placed as high on the Top 10 list as before, it was one of my most successful blog posts.
Read here to start organising your life (like your holiday!)
7 – 20 Things I Learned Before I Turned 20
This was my 20th birthday post, but I didn’t post it until 2 weeks after my birthday.
I wasn’t expecting this to perform as well as the others because it was more of a personal lesson blog post, rather than my usual tips & insights sort of blog post.
But, I got surprised again when this blog post rocketed with page views. My lesson here is that it’s okay to get a bit personal and share a bit of your story in your blog posts. It seems that people do really resonate well with stories.
What’s it was like writing the blog post
This was an EASY blog post to write. I mean, the reason for this was because I already did an Instagram caption on it. All I had to do was copy and paste it, and then expand what I meant by each.
I really made this blog post all about me, and I was a bit hesitant to do that first. But I look back at some of the “10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was a Teenager”. or “30 Lessons Before 30” that I enjoyed reading and noticed that the writer does get more personal. I mean, they are the lessons that they had learned.
And yeah, I wrote this blog post because I genuinely wanted to share lessons that I learned before 20 that not may people younger than me knew about. I know that probably would’ve wanted someone else to share them with me too.
Read this blog post if…
If you would like a bit of wisdom! The 20 lessons I had learned throughout my existence, I do believe that they would also be something worth learning to everyone else as well!
When I launched it…
It was definitely one of the blog posts where I was a bit surprised that it performed better than I expected. After this blog post (and the one about my failure in uni), I learned that I should post more blog posts where I share a bit of my story. It makes sense because I always resonate with a blog post or a video more when there’s a story shared to it.
That’s another lesson I learned 😉
Read this blog post to see what I learned before I turned 20!
6 – How to (actually) Level Up Your HABITS!
I am obsessed with habits! Breaking habits, building habits, and reading books about habits.
One of my favourite books on habits is Atomic Habits by James Clear, and I seriously love that book so much!
Hence, this blog post was inspired by his book, when it comes to leveling up on our habits.
I’ll admit, this blog post wasn’t that “unique” so I was quite surprised that this blog post has done better than I expected it to be. I got a lot of feedback from social media and the page views for this blog post kind of surprised me.
BTS Writing the Blog Post…
I enjoyed writing this blog post! Whenever I write a blog post on habits, I enjoy it so much! And because it’s based on my favourite book of all time, it was fun to write.
I knew that there were people out there who are struggling with building habits or breaking them. That’s another reason why I wanted to write this blog post as well. Building habits and sticking with them is not the easiest task, but it’s doable!
Read this blog post if…
If you’re struggling with building and sticking with your habits, this blog post is for you! It’s not the easiest thing to do when it comes to building habits, but you can certainly do it, you just need to do it in a way that makes life easy for you.
So I definitely recommend that you read that blog post!
When it launched ….
This blog post kind of went into the shadows a couple of weeks after it had launched, but at least it did perform better than expected at the start!
I do believe though that it would eventually come back and get viewed more again. After all, habits is an evergreen topic, and there are still so many people out there who want to improve their habits but are finding it a challenge.
Read this blog post to learn how to level up your habits!
5 – 10 Big Mistakes with Developing Routines
On top of habits, I am also obsessed with routines!
If you have a look at a few of my blog posts, I’ve got a few “mistakes you can make….”.
This blog post also did quite well! But to be fair, this is one of my most recent blog posts, and the reason why it may have gone well in the start because I did start having more people read my blogs (which is awesome!)
BTS writing the blog post…
Writing these “mistakes I made” blog posts are easy to write and to brainstorm because I make a lot of mistakes! It’s harder to narrow down the number of mistakes!
Some of the mistakes sounds silly but then when I promoted it on social media, I’ve had people tell me through direct message that they’ve made some of the same mistakes as well!
Writing this blog post was fun, and in the moment I knew that it was going to be a very informative one. I really wanted to write this blog post because I feel like having routines are not talked about as much!
Read this blog post if…
If you have any routines right now (or are going to start building more routines), this is the blog post for you!
The best first thing to do when starting something new, is to actually be aware of some of the mistakes that could be made, and avoid doing them! Reading about someone else’s mistakes actually saves time for you, and you prevent yourself from doing the same.
When I launched it…
Again, because this is a recent blog post, there are no surprises that it received a lot more page views at the start than most of my earlier blog posts. I’m grateful to have more and more people read my blog, and it makes me more excited to write more!
So read this blog post to learn the mistakes of developing routines!
4 – Digital Habits for Growth and Happiness
This is one of the blog posts that I am most proud of! I had a feeling that this was a blog post that would perform well, especially since I posted it right when lockdown happened here in Sydney!
We all get distracted my our digital devices nowadays, so I felt that this blog post was very timely to those whether in lockdown or not. It deserved a place in my Top 5 because of how informative and insightful it was.
BTS of writing the blog post…
I was inspired to write this blog post by my own personal experiences at the start of lockdown. I already had digital habits set in place from before, which allowed me to not make my life all about my digital devices when it happened.
And I knew deep down that this was probably a blog post that people needed to see. Lockdown or not, we all could benefit from having digital habits that will allow us to not make life all about our phone.
We want to be more mindful, live in the moment, and distraction-free, and building digital habits is the way to go!
Read this blog post if…
If you find yourself feeling distracted by your digital devices, or want to go on your devices less, this is the blog post for you!
Even if you just want to make sure that you’re not mindlessly going on your phone in general, this blog post is for you!
Honestly, I feel like this blog post is for everybody. Anyone who owns a digital device (I assume you do, because you are reading this blog post), will benefit from having digital habits.
When it launched…
Just like how I slightly anticipated, it did perform quite well! I got good engagement on social media, and really sweet personal messages of feedback of this blog post.
It’s in my Top 5 not just because of the ranking, but because I did feel like it’s such a relevant topic that becomes even more relevant as time goes on!
I don’t think technology and devices are going to die down anytime soon, so I do think that if I do mention this blog post once in a while, it would be quite a popular blog post once in a while.
Read how to build digital habits here!
3 – How to Practice the FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES on YOURSELF
I was a bit afraid to post this blog post because I felt that it would be a bit too cheesy.
As it turns out, people loved it more than I expected! What’s even more reassuring is that they agree that the five love languages is something that we should practice on ourselves as well!
BTS writing the blog post…
This blog post was based on my personal experience of reading the Five Love Languages book, and then deciding to practice them on myself.
There’s a misconception that we need to have someone do them for us, when in reality we can do them ourselves,and that’s why I really wanted to do this blog post so that people can know that.
I made sure to add my experience on top of my tips, because honestly, practicing the five love languages on yourself can be a bit cheesy. But it is absolutely not!
Read this blog post if…
I think anyone who wants to do more self-love will definitely benefit form this blog post! Relationship or not, we all need to practice self-love, and we all can use the five love languages to do it.
When it launched…
This did really well and in a way I wasn’t too surprised. I knew that if there was a video or a post about how to practice more self-love on yourself with the love languages, I’d be curious about it as well.
I am surprised though that this is still in my Top 3! In terms of the current ranking I’m actually quite surprised that it’s still getting viewed! Maybe it’s because self-love is something that people is giving more importance to now, and I’ve noticed that the “love yourself first” message is really getting spread more.
Read this blog post to see how you can practice the 5 love languages on yourself!
2 – 7 Ways to Motivate Yourself with Self-Care
I’m not surprised that it’s in my top 10, but I’m really surprised that it fell into my top 2!
Regardless, this is a blog post that I am really proud of!
BTS of wrting the post…
When I wrote this blog post, it was when I really started making self-care a habit and a priority.
I knew that I used to really struggled with motivating myself to do self-care, and I felt that there were people out there who were the same. Self-care is something so important nowadays and at the time I felt that people needed to know that.
When I promoted it on social media, there was good feedback from it! When it launched, it got a lot of views. And to date, it’s in my Top 2 still!
Read this blog post if…
If you are struggling with making time for self-care or motivating yourself to do it, this blog post is for you! There are 7 easy ways to motivate yourself to do self-care, and I’m sure that there’s at least one on there that could help you.
Because you all deserve to make time for yourself! If you are struggling with it, I encourage you to read it so you can start making it a regular commitment.
When it launched…
Again, I didn’t expect it to be in my Top 2! While I am really surprised, I’m kind of glad that it’s in my Top 2. This was one of the blog posts that I felt that was a bit unique, and it’s always great to know that unique blog posts that I come up with perform well (it means that I’m actually creative after all).
Read how to motivate yourself to do your self-care here!
1 – How to Actually Invest in Yourself
The top blog post I’ve every written goes to How to Invest in Yourself!
This is the blog post that has gotten the most page views and feedback on social media!!
I think maybe because this blog post became a bit of an eye opener for some people. When people think about investing in themselves (including me) I always thought it was about investing money. As it turns out, it’s a whole range of things!
BTS of writing this blog post…
I enjoyed writing this blog post! I felt that “investing in yourself” in various other areas of your life isn’t talked about as much.
So I wrote this blog post so that more people knew that investing in yourself is more than just investing money into your retirement or investments. Investing in yourself is actually more of making “future you” decisions.
I was proud to write about some of the ways that had helped me invest in myself, and it meant so much that people found it helpful! I was a bit worried that people might initially think it’s about investing money, and found it a clickbait blog post, but no one ever complained about that (at least to my face!).
Read this blog post if…
If you haven’t checked out this blog post yet, I highly suggest that you do! It’s filled with tips and insights to help you invest in yourself! You are your biggest investment, and you have nothing to lose by making investments for yourself!
People are always wondering how they can achieve their goals for the future, and how they can have the best future possible, and one of the ways is making the choice to invest in themselves now!
When it launched…
The views of this blog post skyrocketed when it first launched, and up until today it still falls in the number one spot of page views! In my eyes, this is such a big accomplishment because the blog post was something that I am so passionate about talking about.
Read this blog post to see how you can invest in yourself!!
Before I say see you later..
Whether you had been keeping up with my blog since the beginning, or you had come across my blog sometime recently, thank you for supporting me in this blogging journey of mine!
100 Blog posts seemed like a long way away when I first started, now I surpassed that number and we have many more milestones to go!
So thank you again! While I do enjoy writing because I am so passionate about these topics, it’s a big bonus to have your support!
-Lauren 😊
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Mentioned Articles:
1 – How to Actually Invest in Yourself
2 – 7 Ways to Motivate Yourself with Self-Care
3 – How to Practice the FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES on YOURSELF
4 – Digital Habits for Growth and Happiness
5 – 10 Big Mistakes with Developing Routines
6 – How to (actually) Level Up Your HABITS!
7 – 20 Things I Learned Before I Turned 20
8 – Organise Your Life Like How You Organise Your Holiday – What’s More Important
9 – Time Management Tips – Why You Need to Make the Most of Your Time
10 – I Learned More When I Failed My University Subject
I’ve got a FREE
I’ve got a book called Small Steps to Progression which you can download for FREE!
It’s a book complete with tips on how to improve your habits, mindset, productivity, lifestyle, and so much more! Uncover the small steps to progression in your personal growth journey.


Hi, this is Lauren! I’m a law grad from Melbourne, Australia. On laurenbarri.com, I create content on all things personal development, productivity, self-care, and habits! I am super passionate about these topics because of how they helped me in all areas of my life, and I want to share it with others!
CONNECT with ME!! 🗯
@laurenlbarri (blog Instagram)

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